Blog # 9 - The Questions You Should Ask Referee's Before Hiring a Graduate?

After deciding you need another physiotherapist to join the team you have posted a job advert for a position in your practice. You have narrowed it down to a few graduate applicants and have interviewed each and have a decision to make. Most employer's make their decision based on this information only a CV, resume and interview. The problem here is that you are only hearing from the graduate's perspective about what they have to offer your business.
Referee's can tell you alot about your prospective employee and are an essential component to finalising the process.
Firstly, who a graduate nominates as their referee's can tell you alot of information. For instance, if they have had significant time in a particular placement, private practice or job you would hope that they would make this supervisor or boss a referee. If not you may need to ask why this person was not a referee as they have spent the most time with you in a clinical setting.
Family members or friends should not be considered as referees as they will have a bias opinion of the candidate. A good referee is someone who can make comment and judgement on the applicants personality, clinical abilities, time management, attitude to feedback and presentation for work. Referees are an essential piece to the hiring puzzle because the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.
Questions you should be asking referees:
You may choose some of these, you wouldn't expect a referee to answer all via email, however over the phone this may be achievable. Or you may choose to create an online survey via survey monkey to send out to referees.
1. How long did you work with the candidate?
2. How much of a caseload did they manage per day?
3. How was their time management skills?
4. What are their strengths as a graduate?
5. What do they need to work on?
6. Was their any unsafe practices?
7. How did they respond to feedback?
8. Do they work well in a team?
9. Do they have initiative for ongoing learning?
10. Would you hire them in private practice?
11. In your opinion, where would you rate their clinical skills?
Please mark on the scale:
0 10
Will need alot of support Average Excellent
12. Did patient's have comments to make on this candidate?
13. How did they present for work? e.g. appearance, timely etc.
Free Resource: for more information and tips for hiring the right graduate for your business then sign up in the form below to access Part 1 and Part 2 of Interview Tips for Hiring a Successful Graduate in Your Private Practice.