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Train My Grad Mentorship

Commences in 4th September 2023 – Applications now open.


Email for applications.

Support and resources for 10 weeks to design, build and refine your team training program.

Learn the Physiomentor Graduate Training Program for your clinic.

Investment of time 1 hr a month on Zoom with a personal Physiomentor.


$850 x 4 payments


$3150 discounted upfront payment


12 Week Graduate to Private Practitioner Program

Fast track your graduate in private practice.


The structured online curriculum will maximise their development in clinical and business streams for private practice.


The focus of the program is to up-skill your graduate in a short period of time to thrive and provide high-quality patient-focused care in a private practice setting and deliver the business skills to be a profitable addition to your business.


The online program allows your graduate to learn on the job and remain working in the business.


Additional online support is provided with this program.


We have done all the work for you with proven strategies for success!

12 Week Graduate to Private Practitioner Program Plus Mentoring Sessions

Don't have time to mentor your graduate? Choose a package below with one-on-one mentoring sessions to develop your graduate in private practice.

Graduate Learning Portal Access

Over 600+ graduate focused resources for private practice.


This portal is a wealth of educational business and clinical resources targeted for physiotherapy new graduates starting a career in private practice.


A great addition to any Graduate Development Program.


All the resources Done-For-You!

Graduate Learning Portal 

Subscription: $71.50 per month (incl. GST)

Annual: $715.00/year (incl. GST)

Student to Private Practitioner Online Program

All graduates have a baseline level of knowledge and clinical skills, but it will be what you know for a private practice business that will get you that job. This will make you stand out from the many graduates applying for private practice positions and give you the choice of employers to start your career.


This course is delivered with:

  • 6 online content modules to learn at your own pace

  • Virtual Workshop in the comfort of your home.

On completion of the program you will receive a Certificate of Completion and registration on our Physiomentor Recruit Hub.

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