About Us
Physiomentor focus on delivering quality training for graduates and students so that they are ready to step into a career. We do this by preparing for them for a private practice and walking through real life situations. Whether you're a student wanting to better your skills or a private practice owner wanting to make sure your employee's educated enough to perform, Physiomentor can help you.
Our Mentors
Our Physiomentors are highly experienced private practitioners that are enthusiastic about mentoring new graduate physiotherapists. They all hold APA membership and current AHPRA registration. Keeping up to date clinically and with evidence based reasearch in the physiotherapy field is a mandatory requirement.

Mellissa Salmond
Director of Physiomentor
B/PHTY (Hons) M.A.P.A AHPRA Reg.
Jobfit & Workhab Evaluator
AHPRA Approved Mentor
Over 20 years experience
Mellissa is an experienced, musculoskeletal, generalist physiotherapist. Her generalist skills are acquired from working in the public hospital and aged care system, internationally, in the mining sector and for the last 20 years as a private practice business owner.
Whilst Mellissa is a business owner herself she found providing training, development and mentoring to graduates in private practice very time consuming and this was reflected in the business revenue, due to her having to step away from her own patient load to dedicate the time to the graduates.
She went searching for some type of program or ability to outsource this role to help with training graduates in a private practice setting but was unsuccessful on her search. There are many exceptional self directed, online resources to access, however none of them were specifically targeting graduates in private practice with a focus on business and clinical development.
She decided to create a solution to her own problem and developed Physiomentor, a business designed for private practice business owners wanting and needing to outsource the training of new graduates in private practice to be profitable in business and clinically exceptional for private practice.
Mellissa will work one on one with you the business owner and your graduates to design and implement a program that will fast track your new graduates to build your business revenue and create a clinician your clients will be lining up to see.
Mellissa is a keen APA member and is an AHPRA approved mentor.
Mellissa has been a guest speaker at many APA Events and Conferences to share her knowledge of graduate training in private practice.
Mellissa has established and currently operates 5 private practice clinics and is the captain of recruitment and training of all graduates in her clinics. Keeping up to date with what our upcoming workforce wants in their careers and sourcing the gaps in their knowledge gives her the edge to refine the Physiomentor Programs to house the most up to date knowledge and resources for business owners to use in their own clinics.
Strong Musculoskeletal background
Dry Needling
Clinical Pilates
Jobfit Evaluator
WorkHab Evaluator
Integrative Acupuncture
Lymphoedema Qualified Therapist
Mulligan Technique
Manual Therapy
Kinesio Taping